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Thread: I Hate Scratches On My Psp!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie echel0n's Avatar
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    Default I Hate Scratches On My Psp!

    AAARGHGHHH sorry I need to vent, im so angry at $ony, why did they make this psp so easy to matter how hard I try, i treat my PSP like a baby, i put screen protectors on, I wipe it down ONLY with the special microfiber non abrasive cloth, i keep it in a case and STILL it somehow manages to always get tiny scratches all over it! I am so frustrated, doesnt this bother anyone else or am i the only one?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I agree, the screen gets scratched WAY to easy. I have a little (but deep) scratch on the top right hand side and it drives me crazy! Every time I wip out my PSP I see that scratch and shake my head in anger and disapointment.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I think that soft case scratches the screen personally, With my screen protector though I have had no more problems, got two hairline ones without it, but those are the only ones and I've had no new ones and dont plan on getting any.

    This is the protector I bought btw:

  4. #4
    DCEmu Regular
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    mine hasnt scratched at all and im fairly rough with it.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie Zaibach333's Avatar
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    I have been using two psp's *one not mine, but I've used just as much* and I found that the so called <i>screen protector</i> that I bought accually nicked the heck out of my psp. I wouldn't suggest to anybody getting those plastic screen protectors, I know I'm not the only one who usually has their psp in their pocket. the longer you have that plastic screwed on screen protector the more of a chance that thing will bend and gash parts of the screen/whereever benieth.

    I'm saddend by my psp cause I remember bragging about all the stuff I bought for it to make it stay in tip top shape.

    I would suggest always keeping it in your pocket, with the screen facing your leg and nothing else with it in the pocket.

    if you want you could get one of those stick on screen protectors at the sacrafice of looking through another layer of screen between you and the lcd.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie echel0n's Avatar
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    I always keep it in a Pelican case (click here) , and it protects it most of the time, but the scratches still come...

    my Sidek1ck phone screen NEVER gets scratched, its FLAWLESS and ive had it for months..i dont see why $ony couldnt have just made a screen like that..its like they want you to get it scratched so youll buy a new one or go get it repaired for way too expensive prices, like the guy on the other thread who needed to get a new analog stick and they wanted to charge him over 100 quid

  7. #7


    I carry mine around in my backpack while I'm around school and I have no scratches on mine whatsoever. I have the Logitech case, which is the same one as seen in the Bricking video.

    It's only 20 bucks or so at Best Buy while Lik-Sang the overpriced $#@! monger of electronics, sells it for 30.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Look, i think we all know that the PSP is, although very sleek and sexy, very vulnerable to scratches. the material is great, but the scratches and smudges will
    keep appearing, unfortunatly. now, i think that Sony should provide brand new cover screens with a new set of buttons, D pad, and Anolog stick for roughly 25-35 bucks. I wouldn't mind shelling out money for a new cover that'll last, especially if they can be customized. thats how i feel anyway.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Rookie Zaibach333's Avatar
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    kinda like mobile phones?

  10. #10


    My screen is scratched all to hell also....but I have a question....

    Can any of you actually get the screen clean? No matter what I use I never get the screen completely clean.....Ive tried water, alcohol, window cleaner, various screen cleaners and all different kinds of cloths......but all they seem to do is simply push the grime around the screen.....

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