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Thread: Metroid 2 Remake WIP - Music Preview!

  1. #1

    retro Metroid 2 Remake WIP - Music Preview!

    Progress on the homebrew game for PC.

    Hereīs a premix of the main tunnel song, keep in mind that this version will change until the game is released, specially the drums section.

    There will be more atmospheric tracks, donīt worry. I just wanted to keep alive the original rithm, even if itīs for the first section of the game.

    About the Metroid fight music: There will be a variation of the fight song for every evolution, Omegas will feature a new song and the Queen battle song will be a remake of the original one.
    Iīm finishing the Alpha Metroid fight song for the upcoming trailer.

    Started working on the third ruins, Iīm still sketching the rooms while finishing some original tiles for the outside part of the temple.

    Anyway, let me know what you think about the music style, all your comments are really appreciated (Yes, I read them all).

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend acn010's Avatar
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    ah!!!!!! lol love it

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