I've been looking, and apparently the only way to dump GC/Wii discs to the front SD and/or wifi is by installing a custom IOS. I don't want to do this, for fear of bricking my wii-- (I wouldn't do it even if I were 99% sure it wouldn't brick it) so I was wondering. I don't want this because I'm a pirate, I discourage pirating, (I already own the game) but I want the gcm for something else. I was wondering if anyone out there who has used the cIOS and wifi dumpers also happens to have Megaman Network Transmission, and could perhaps rip it for me? If nothing else I'll buy one of those LG dvd drives, but it'd be odd to explain to my parents why I was buying a dvd drive online. :P I'd be very grateful, and I could just get it by torrent or whatever. Please? Anyone?