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Thread: Is it possible to listen to music and play lua apps at the same time?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default Is it possible to listen to music and play lua apps at the same time?

    i have been searching for a way to play music (either mp3s or .mods or midi's) and run lua apps at the same time.... so i can be jamming while playing nice things such as minesweeper. I have only been partially successfull in this endeavor.

    Here are the options i have found and the things I have tried

    DJSP ... the mp3 player... is supposed to be able to launch lua apps while playing mp3s at the same time... i have been able to launch *some* lua apps, but most of the ones i want to play don't work... they crash. i think it is the ones that have seperate files and are in their own subdirectories that crash. anybody know a way to make it work?

    Lua music test (the program that is bundled with lua player)... this is what i usually do.. run this program, hit one of the d-pad keys, which crashes this program, but the music is still playing, and then i launch another application while it's playing. this is very ghetto and it is only a very short song, so it gets repetitive

    my question:
    is there an application that will play any type of music files as a background process and allow you to launch other eboots or other lua files at the same time???


  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    well, maybe you should simply write those 2 lines of code into the games you usually play to run music. Lua is easy to edit.
    However, there is no real multitask on the psp so farm.
    Since its a 32bit-CPU, I still hope that someone will develop a task manager (maybe with linux-like virtual desktops)

  3. #3
    PSP Coder
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    Nov 2005
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    However, there is no real multitask on the psp so farm.
    LUA's playing of mod files seems to be a seperate process in that I haven't
    noticed the playing of wav or mods to interfere with timing in any way at all.

    So yeah, like skydiver said.. copy the mod or xm file you want playing into the directory of the
    LUA application, and add the following lines to the LUA script:
    before any loops are entered (otherwise you'll play several instances of the same song.

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