Blowbomber has released a DDR type game for the Nintendo DS:

Create your own steps for Finger Mania DS when released!

-Touch the screen in one of the four bars to place and arrow and drag the stylus to adjust it vertically. Then Use L to Set it in place and your ready to set another one!

-To test it, Press R button to switch screens and press the play button, It will also play back an mp3 and load a timing bar on the bottom screen to see if its in sync. Press the stop button to stop.

-Use the Up and Down keys to scroll the screen to place more steps if you run out of room

-To delete a sprite, Press R to switch screens, Tap the delete button, Press R again and tap the step to delete, you can then place another step in that steps place.

-Press Start to save data, the file created is "songarrows.fmds"

-Press Select to load data and continue from where you left off, file must be called "songarrows.fmds" and on the root of your card


-copy FMDS Step Maker.nds to your flash card (make sure its DLDI Patched)

-Place mp3 that you want to make steps for on root of card and make sure its bit rate is 90 or less and the file is renamed to "test.mp3" with no quotes.

-boot the nds file and start plotting

--Known Issues--
-max steps allowed to place is 950 not sure if people will use that much

--Version 0.9--
-first release

--Version 0.95--
-fixed mp3 loading/playback
-fixed step loading bug

--Version 0.96--
-fixed severe loading bug
-cleaned up source a bit

--For Next Release--
-changeable speeds
-GUI improvements
-possibly halfspeed playback

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