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Thread: Sit Down and Shut Up: No One is Winning the Console War

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    General games Sit Down and Shut Up: No One is Winning the Console War

    Now that we have THREE major consoles out at one time we seem to have a battle royale for who gets the most sales and can call themselves the winner of this epic battle. Well let me tell you, as someone who owns all three (Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii) I have to say that I think no one is winning this battle yet and I will tell you why.

    The Wii while fun for parties sees absolutely no play from me any other time. It has some nice games, but with such a small selection of games that are for people older the 3, my choices are extremely limited. Adding friends to the Wii is a huge annoying chore and don't even think about then trying to play a game with those friends, you will be there all day reading numbers to each other and trying to figure out why it still isn't working. They have stepped up to fix one big problem which was the lack of voice chat. Nothing is more annoying then trying to play Smash Brothers with someone and having to stop play to call them on their cell phone to see if they have time for one more round.

    The 360 is admittedly the most used console in my house but this is mostly because of the fact that friends are easy to add, games are easy to join, and most of my friends already have a 360 because its cheaper then the PS3. The major issue I have with the 360 is also game selection. Its major titles are shooters and I'm no big fan. I play them because my friends play and its something we can play together so we play. As an RPG fan I feel like I am kind of lost among these games but I play anyway. I admit I am kind of a picky gamer but the selection is rather small. You have shooter, action RPG/shooter, and some other stuff that might be ok. My day as an RPG player might be here soon though if all these E3 announcements seem to deliver the goods they are selling.

    And oh dear my PS3, what did you do!? You held so much promise and now are really nothing more then a glorified PS2 which I use to play all my Atlus games. Home keeps getting pushed back and we just seem to keep hearing “just you wait we will rock”. Well PS3, I have had you for a year now and my socks are still firmly on my feet. Lets get a move on!

    So as you can see, I don't think anyone gets to call themselves the winner of this war yet. I think they all need to step out of the batting cage and swing the bat already! Where are the innovations? Where is the pushing of the boundaries? Why are my socks still on my feet!?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Personally, I own only a Wii, and I feel the lack of games as well. If I had to choose the best all-around system, the 360 would be the sure winner. I don't have a 360 because nearly everything I want to play on it is also on the PC, but as far as consoles go, it's a good choice.

    Since "winning the console war", however, is defined by most consoles sold or most profit, it is an undisputable fact that Nintendo is winning the console war (on both fronts), despite all opinion.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro MicroNut's Avatar
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    Lack of games for all.
    Dont want a 360 or Wii - have no games I want to play.
    FPS on consoles just aren't the same as PC.
    And the Wii just has zero game appeal to me.

    Owned my PS3 for just over a yea now and only own the 2 games i purchased with the console..
    Where is Wipeout HD Sony?

    The PSP and PC are the only systems I have used in the last 6 months

  4. #4
    Computer Scientist gutbub's Avatar
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    A few things.
    1) Nintendo is indisputably winning as of now. They've made the most money, which is the whole point of selling consoles.
    2) I don't know if it's just me, but if consoles continue down their current path, they'll all die out eventually. They're about gimmicks, and appeal to the masses now, instead of us actual gamers.

    In my opinion, games will eventually end up only for PC. I'll be able to play next year's games on my PC, the same way I can play every game made before it on my PC.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular goshogun1's Avatar
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    I have all 3 of the big systems. 360 has some really nice games such as Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Halo 3 etc. And the online is superior to everything else. But it's main fault is that I am on my third freaking 360! Nothing I have ever owned has broken like this. It's truly pathetic, especially for something so expensive. RROD again and i'm out for good!

    PS3 I only got for MGS4 , Uncharted, FF XIII and Blu Ray. Kind of glad there aren't many games for it. Saves me some money, and when the good ones come out they will be amazing. MGS4 proved this.

    Wii is cool. But, I recently collected every GC game worth owning, and would rather play them on wii over the wii games I own. If I didn't own all the GC games I would be disappointed with the lack of titles and shovel-ware galore. But "innovation" is what is making it win in sales as it seems. (with a little help from Mario and Link) That is why I bought it, and I believe it succeeds in that respect.

    Top system now IMO is....Nintendo DS. Why? More AAA games than I would know what to do with. Funny how I have all of the big 3 but would rather play DS. Go figure.

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