News/release from Muzer:

A simple text file viewer for the Wii.

Wiimote support

Front SD support

The display never breaks (by displaying too many lines than fit on one screen)

Uses the Wii's basic text console

What is being worked on
File selector (currently, you have to pass an argument with wiiload, eg wiiload txt-read.dol file.txt)

Partial displaying of long lines

These are the instructions for the use of my app

To load it, you must use an app that lets you specify arguments. This currently means wiiload. So, it would be:

wiiload txt-read.dol file.txt

where file.txt is on the SD card.

The app will then ask you if you want to display line numbers. Press 1 for yes or 2 for no.

Then you can use up and down to scroll, and home to exit.

Simple, eh?

0.1: First stable version

0.2: First released version, added code to stop lines longer than the Wii's display width from breaking it.

0.3: Added option to disable line numbers

0.4: Fixed bug where some lines will be missed off the end of files meeting specific requirements

0.5: Added file selector (currently buggy but works) (thanks to CraZzy).

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