via Computer and Video Games

Jonathan Blow, creator of the highly-praised Xbox Live Arcade puzzler Braid, has said that the title may make it to PS3 after the Xbox exclusivity deal has passed.

"It's a limited exclusive so if I were to try to make a PS3 or WiiWare version of the game I would have to wait a little bit," he said, explaining that he was fully focused on the PC version.

"PS3 might happen in the future. What's going to definitely happen this year is a PC release. The only reason that's not out right now is because I wanted to focus on one platform at a time," Blow added.

Wii owners, however, have no chance. "WiiWare is not going to happen for this game ... Braid is too big of a game to be downloaded on WiiWare and stored on someone's Wii," he told Game Focus, which makes sense considering the game weighs in at 144MB.

On another note, Braid has scored an overall 92 percent on both Metacritic and Gamerankings, making it the highest-rated XBLA game of all time, and the tenth highest rated 360 game. That's pretty good going.