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Thread: An idea about a new Nintendo DS console

  1. #1

    Default An idea about a new Nintendo DS console

    I know that it exists an old topic somewhere, but I couldn't find it (Yes, I did search), so I'm making a new one. I've got an idea about the new Nintendo DS (it they will make one...), and I think it should work good. I've seen that NVIDIA is developing a new type of graphic-/audio "chips". They're made for handheld devices (e.g. mobiles) and are quite powerful, I think. For example: They are HDMI compitable (they can display resolutions up to 1080p (1920x1080) HDMI 1.3). The "chip" is called Tegra.

    If Nintendo should use something like this in there new handheld (hoping for a new DS!), then It would be perfect. Maybe they could make the graphics even better! Better than the GameCube graphics, yes, meybe better then the Wii graphics too! Well, maybe I sound too exited, but think about it! It's pretty cool, don't you think? With just some improvments and fixes, the NVIDIA Tegra should be a perfect graphic accelerator for the new handheld!

    Well, maybe I'm boring you, but there is a lot of things that makes this thing cool. I want to mention another thing that's great with the NVIDIA Tegra "chips". They're REALLY energy-saving! They say that it's possible to charge your device, and then play games in many days, and you don't have to recharge it! Well, after you've played a couple of days, you have to recharge it, because it has to run low of energy sometime. But don't you think that it's pretty good? I do.

    Imagine that you're sitting at a place without any wall outlets, and your DS (or whatever it is) is running low of battery. You're playing a really good game, and you are not able to save. Suddenly, the DS turns off, don't you get really frustrated then? But with this, you can play a looooong time, and you don't have to worry about the energy status! (Well if you haven't been playing for some days already...)

    Alright... That's the end of it. If you want more info, just check upp NVIDIA's website (! If you're too lazy to search for it, here you have a link to the Tegra "chips":

    And I'm really sorry if this is against any rule... I didn't mean to break any of them. If I've done it, just delete this topic, don't blame me, please. But I couldn't find anywhere in the bouch of rules, that says that you're not allowed to share your ides about new consoles.

    Well, if I haven't, feel free to discuss this here! And maybe you can give more ideas so we can put together a perfect, but still realistic and truthworthy, console! Thanks for reading (if you have...)!
    Last edited by Dragonic; August 13th, 2008 at 01:12.

  2. #2


    Your idea would be great, but it would NEVER happen!

  3. #3


    You should never say never x)! Well, I know, Nintendo doesn't listen to things like this... But it's always fun to imagine and discuss ideas. That's why I made this topic. I want you to discuss, or come with other ideas, so we can put together a good console! Maybe, one day, someone at Nintendo is reading this (I don't know why) and thinks that some of our ideas they could use in a new console, who knows? But it's not likely that they would look here. But after we have talked about this, and can't get any more ideas, then we could post it at Nintendos Official Forum!

    I just want to say something I forgot to say earlier. First: this is just for fun. Second: If you have any idea/-s, then post it here with a good description about it. For example, the name of the product, what kind of harware it is (processor, memory, etc.), how you would like it to work in the console, and such things. I think you understand what I mean.

    Well, feel free to discuss, as I said earlier. I hope we will get a lot of ideas and that we will have fun during the discussion! Thanks in advance!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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