News via Nintendomax:

bonx, bidouilleur engineering, we propose its new application.
Xavprog is a flasher via a chip Infectus nand put on your Wii. Much more powerful and stable than that proposed by the Team Infectus.

Author's note:
This program allows you to read and program memory nand the wii using the chip infectus.

It reaches directly to the infectus via the library libusb32, without going through the dll infectus.

Direct access to functions usb has been achieved through the work of reverse engineering of bushing.

This program has thus replacing the one provided by infectus which is totally buggued and leads to a wii out of service (inability to reprogram the nand).

It also brings some additional features such as checking the ecc, reading, erasure, comparison and writing blocks.

It will be supplemented to manage other nand memory as that of the 360 or the PS3.