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Thread: The New Dawn Of Homebrew Coming Soon ?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News The New Dawn Of Homebrew Coming Soon ?

    The Homebrew Community is bigger now than it has ever been, more sites from all corners of the world cover it and more consoles are now open to emulators and Homebrew games and applications.

    The Mainstream have even embraced the homebrew community but also some sites taint the homebrew scene by posting apps and news that is clear piracy, but the good sites and users are far more widespread than the bad ones.

    The Homebrew scene in each console has to fight against efforts to stop homebrew. But soon a console called the Pandora may persuade all of us to maybe add one to our collection, the price wont be the cheapest, for those in the USA it may be as high as 330 dollars but what youll be getting is a console thats basically as powerful as an Xbox.

    The Pandora wont replace our Wiis, PS3, PSP or DS because commercial games unless it does extremely well wont be much of a factor but if you like homebrew and to be fair most who come to DCEmu like homebrew, it will however be a very interesting console, already the list of homebrew coders developing for it reads like a whos who of the homebrew scene.

    Those wanting to know more can check out our very own Pandora site here --> specs here-- >

    Whether your not interested or indeed are interested theres no doubt that a new dawn of homebrew is coming, it should make every homebrew scene even more open to the mainstream and thats something that benefits us all.

    Agree or disagree please answer via comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend
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    I'm not knocking this. But aesthetically, ergonomically, and cosmetically, I don't see anything else on the market better for homebrew than the Slim PSP.

    I'm sure this has a lot more "under the hood" with this than the PSP. Hell, it looks like a very small laptop. So I'm sure some interesting stuff will come out for this if enough developers get excited and sign on.

    Its encouraging that consoles made strictly for homebrew and complete freedom are being created.

    I still think the PSP has a good amount of potential left for it regarding homebrew. If only the scene was was appreciative and new developers started to develop and old developers came back with some new stuff... Ahhh that would be beautiful.

    I would love to see Exophase resume work on gpSP for the PSP and/or release a version of his PC-Engine (Turbo-Grafx) emulator for the PSP. But he has done so much already that could be asking a lot.

  3. #3


    I doubt the Pandora will bring about a revolution in terms of homebrew, but it will offer a lot of potential and will most likely perform marvelously for what it is. Ergonomically speaking, it looks vastly more comfortable to use than a PSP, which has a number of conflicts wherein portability won out over ergonomics. The lack of commercial titles doesn't bother me because of all the emulation the device will offer. There aren't a whole lot of new games that garner my interest these days anyway, so it's no big loss for me.

    Personally, I can't wait for Pandora to ship.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro osgeld's Avatar
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    it still looks chunky, the analog sticks look like the oppsite of the psp, where as now i get a thumb cram from it being too close to the edge, these look like a far stretch

    over a hard edge, with a corner

    + it looks unbalanced to hold

    yes it got some balls under the hood, but for the price i still have to wonder what the advantages are over a micro notebook other than built in game pad and a hard to type on keyboard

  5. #5
    PSP Coder
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    I'm currious about the pandora for a few things but I have a so so outlook. Best it could hope for is gp2x/gp32 level of support but ultimately I think it might not fully meet it.

    Still, i'm currious to toy with one for kicks.

  6. #6
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    The Pandora, if it is still as portable as the hype made it out to be (about the size of a DS Lite, if I am not mistaken), does sound quite appealing. I will certainly keep an eye on it after it is released.

    However, it is not how powerful a system is but how you use it that matters, so I will likely end up hoarding my $330 (or however much it will cost) until I have a good reason to purchase it or three months have passed after its release (whichever comes later). By then all bugs will have been ironed out and its development community will be going strong.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    This Pandora system is nuts. I thought there would be a touch screen if there is thats awesome it will be a competition for the DS. Now for the talk its competition for the PSP just cause theres more homebrew $#@! for that system doesnt mean this system aint going to blow the homebrew seen right out it could do just that in a couple days.

    As for the power of the system cause its directed towards more the homebrew scene you could probably see more benefits then the PSP. Now i could see it being a battle for people only if the coding package for the Pandora is difficult which i would most defenitly doubt cause people will probably create there own type of package and start making mad things for the system.

    You all got to remember this system is open and uses Linux and the PSP doesnt which makes things more difficult to port but this time more easier then others. Once coders get a hold of this PSP will be the Dreamcast in the homebrew scene.

    Im sorry if this doesnt make sense i was somewhat drinkin booz during this time .

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Viva la pandora!!!!

    Every time I read about this beast im all like 'wowowowowowow!'

    Chunkyness is NOT A FACTOR!! This thing is not only competing with handheld consoles, but mini-laptops to!

    This is the $#@!.

    This is THE $#@!!

    THIS IS THE $#@!!!!!!


  9. #9


    To me it's all going to depend on the D-Pad. It's a real drawback on the PSP, so hard to even to a Ha do ken. Don't really care about the analog stick, since most emulated system had one. TV out is a big plus. Can emulators for the PSP slim play on regular tvs?

  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular kjetil1991's Avatar
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    I dont think im going to buy a pandora but it looks good for a homebrew console

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