I'm not knocking this. But aesthetically, ergonomically, and cosmetically, I don't see anything else on the market better for homebrew than the Slim PSP.
I'm sure this has a lot more "under the hood" with this than the PSP. Hell, it looks like a very small laptop. So I'm sure some interesting stuff will come out for this if enough developers get excited and sign on.
Its encouraging that consoles made strictly for homebrew and complete freedom are being created.
I still think the PSP has a good amount of potential left for it regarding homebrew. If only the scene was was appreciative and new developers started to develop and old developers came back with some new stuff... Ahhh that would be beautiful.
I would love to see Exophase resume work on gpSP for the PSP and/or release a version of his PC-Engine (Turbo-Grafx) emulator for the PSP. But he has done so much already that could be asking a lot.