Halfbyte posted an update to his project for the DS:

First of all, yesterday I managed to get touch sensitivity working (thanks cheesethulhu, you'll end up in "teh credits screen"), plus there's now a rudimenatary way of configuring the network parameters. That's enough for me to qualify for the first binary release. You can find only the .nds at


(The Source, of course is still available at GitHub)

To configure the network, create a file at /oscpad/config.txt on your flashcard containing only one line consisting of hostname/IP and the port number, such as:


If the host name is resolvable (Not exactly automatic on the NDS as you all will know), the app will send OSC packets to the host and port specified.

Now all I can hope for is some user feedback to hear what works for you and what not. I am especially interested in feedback from someone with a Slot1 ndsmotion, as I only have a slot 2 device.

In the next step I'll try do demo some of the stuff in video form, especially how to use the OSC data in PureData.

Next steps for the Application will be some kind of visual feedback, a little eye candy and, then, later, receiving OSC data for visual effects.

As for your remarks, 0xtob, I'll have to think a little about DSMI integration, as I see no obvious way to integrate the chaotic and free nature of the OSC protocol into the completely clear and obvious MIDI structure, but let's keep in touch on that.

Extracting the OSC stuff as a library is not only a good idea but also very much planned, especially since I am doing a bit groundbreaking work here (at least I think so) as there's not much OSC code available which scales down to these kind of machines. (There's ľOSC, but that's not OpenSource)

Watch this space
