News via gxmod

This is an application written in mainly Cocoa by pinball wizard. Taking the idea of simple to use Apple products with the features that a developer or hard-core person uses, this will revolutionize mac users like the google did asking questions.

Release Date
I am hoping to release this in early october but I am not guaranteeing anything.

If you are new to the homebrew community this will format your SD card to the right format and put on all beginning files
"Update Me" feature allows the not technically intelligent person still keep up-to-date on all of THEIR homebrew
"Manage Me" Allows you to install AND update all of your homebrew on your SD card, which is great for power users
Download will include 2 options of WiiManage, Basic, and Programmer. Programmer will include WiiLoad and other features usefull
August 19, 2008: Updated interface with Manage Me enabled. There is a bug that freezes up the application I need to find but it will run part of the way.
August 18, 2008: Initial release of GUI preview

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