Well, it's always a good idea to eavesdrop when you're an attentive, info-seeking games journalist.

The Videogaming247 blog apparently heard a few guys talking about Sony's PlayStation Home initiative while on the train to Leipzig for the Games Convention this week. So far, we've had plenty of details on the innovative online service, but the history of the project remains quite hazy. Well, according to what was overheard, it seems that Home was originally a PS2 initiative; obviously, they never got the Network to where they needed it to be during the last generation. But after 5 years in development and £40 million spent on Home, it's probably time to unveil this bad boy. That 5 years and £40 million part came from the mystery conversation as well, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. Sony is always looking well down the road in each generation, so to hear Home has been bouncing around the minds of Sony executives for the past five years isn't really surprising.

Quite clearly, none of this is official, but it does give us a little more insight into PlayStation Home's origins. And now, it appears as if they're finally ready to deliver this most ambitious service to a new generation of gamers...get ready; the open beta is headed our way this fall. At least, it had better be.