via Computer and Video Games

Daimion Pinnock, producer at SCEA, has told the US PlayStation blog that WipEout HD is on track for release autumn. Though he stopped short of actually telling us when in autumn it might get the green light.

"Hello, readers. Daimion here and I'm excited today to release some details on WipEout HD, coming to PSN this fall," he says. "We've been mum on WipEout HD recently - keeping many of you in serious suspense, I know - but that doesn't mean we haven't been cranking away at bringing you an awesome anti-gravity racing game in 1080p HD!"

You may remember that we brought you the news that the game was failing epilepsy tests so much it had to be reworked. Catch up on that story here.

"WipEout HD will feature a selection of the best tracks taken from previous versions of this iconic franchise that have been reworked to show-off the graphical capabilities of PS3. But don't take my word for it, if you want to see how good WipEout HD in 1080p and at 60 frames-per-second, check out the video."

See it here.