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Thread: UAE4ALL interlaced games and IK+

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default UAE4ALL interlaced games and IK+

    Interlaced Games :

    I have a game called "Star Trek - The Game" here and afaik it's using an Amiga Display Mode which is interlaced. Running it on uae for x86 gets the screen filled out with the game fully, but under uae4all, it is running at half the vertical resolution and constantly switching between the odd and non-odd fields. The Game is free (PD actually, as you can read in the startup-screen), so i am attaching it to this thread. Hope that's ok. Maybe you can figure it out...


    The Game runs fine when throttling is under 40 %, but unfortunateley, the hitsounds are not working. Music is working fine, but switching the music off (F3) still no hitsounds, only a little bit static on uae4all. However, sometimes one hitsound sample will make it through

    Anyway, uae4all is a great piece of software. Actually i never thought that an amiga emulator would even be possible on a console! Thanks Chui!

  2. #2


    I'm pretty sure that IK+ has some issues in WinUAE as well so it's not surprising that they occur here too.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I just tried IK+ with e-uae and uae (both linux versions), and i was surprised that in e-uae i also had no hitsounds. Then I tried with the original uae and the hitsounds were there!

  4. #4
    4ALLs coder chui's Avatar
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    Maybe you have enabled a option for original uae, but default disabled for e-uae and totatly erased for uae4all because speed up

    Sorry for IK+, but you can use DCaSTaway for IK+, its very good and amiga similar.

    About "Star Trek - The Game", thank you for post this PD game, i will try it.. are you sure that this game is a Amiga500 compatible? I haven't a Amiga now ... my old Amiga was broken and my atariST too. But now i play Amiga games under Dreamcast

  5. #5


    That Star Trek games was A500, I still have it for it!

    By the sounds of it - interlace requires a perfect 50 or 60 frames per second to run with odd lines on odd frames and even lines on the other frames (or the other way round!) - If UAE4ALL skips any frames (which it probably does) then alternate scanlines will be displayed more than once in a row, allowing for the effect you discribe.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I just tried Star Trek with frameskip set to 0 in uae4all, the speed of the odd- and non-odd fields was slightly faster (more fluent), as it almost was on the original amiga, but the vertical resolution was still only half the fullscreen.

    Another question: Could UAE4ALL be equipped with a second diskdrive ? It would be easier to play multidisk games like kings quest V if we had an DF1: drive because it needs the boot disk during almost the whole time you're playing in the drive. It's almost unplayable because you have to swap disks at least5 times for every scene change... DJ at work

  7. #7
    4ALLs coder chui's Avatar
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    I think that StarTrek uses 50/60Hz switch per horizontal retrace for overscan or another method, and this is not support it. For speed up, some hardware emulation was deleted.

    About second disk.... UAE4ALL haven't enough memory, now i use VRAM memory for store one disk, but a second disk could store too, i will work for selecting DF1 pressing B button on filemanager.

    Also more speed and disk changes saves to vmu (i want play to Dune2 and SimCity) for next release, maybe for christmas.

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