News from Lik Sang [br][br] Another Code for the Nintendo DS is the systems first true fantasy title, and with such a review, they couldn't ask for a better start. Playing as a thirteen-year old named Ashley Mizuki Robbins, you must uncover the mystery of what happened to your parents after their device named "Another" went wrong during development in a secret government lab. The game opens you up to a detailed and lush looking 3D world, complete with many puzzles that make use of the touch ability. [br][br]A 3D birds-eye view takes the bottom screen, while you use either the d-pad or stylus to move around. Many NDS players find the stylus a poor substitute for an analogue stick, but in Another Code at least, it actually works surprisingly well and bodes great for future adventure games. At the same time, the top screen displays beautifully pre-rendered shots of the location you're in, and points of particular interest. The title is now shipping, while the US version awaits a release date for sometime later this year.