When you're travelling home this evening in the blistering cold, spare a thought for those poor American chaps camped outside stores across their fine nation, who in just a few short hours will be playing Perfect Dark Zero from the comfort of their extra-large and extra-comfy sofas.
Tonight is the night Microsoft unleashes the Xbox 360 on North America, and the company predicts "midnight madness" at the 4,500 stores opening at midnight, where the lucky few who preordered early enough can collect their sexy white console and scuttle off home to play on the 18 launch titles. Stunners like Kameo: Elements of Power, Project Gotham Racing 3 and the almighty Perfect Dark Zero all managed to dive head-first through the infamous "launch window" and will be available to purchase from day 1.

"The debut of Xbox 360 marks one of the biggest consumer launches in Microsoft's history," said Robbie Bach, president of the Entertainment and Devices Division at Microsoft. "With its sheer power, portfolio of graphically stunning games, rich online capabilities, and features for enjoying music, movies and photos, Xbox 360 delivers integrated digital gaming and entertainment experiences that simply can't be matched."
To celebrate the launch of its new console, Microsoft has thrown a party in the middle of California's Mojave Desert, where over 3,500 gamers are currently enjoying a spot of high-definition bliss.

Xbox 360 hits Europe in just two weeks time on December 2. So not too long to wait.