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Thread: The RosaryDS

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS The RosaryDS

    News/release from jsds

    My first completed PALib application. After looking into 3D stuff and not really completing anything, I needed something simple and got this idea when I realized after 8 years Catholic schooling [and now 10 years after that] I was forgetting to say some of the basic prayers. Also, I forgot all about the Rosary and this helped me relearn and revisit Rosary basics. I certainly will meditate with the Rosary more, now that I have this. Its funny I can play Madden 09 and then say the Rosary all on my DS!

    More info:

    Say, learn, and practice saying the Rosary on a Nintendo DS! A wonderful new way to enjoy this traditional Christocentric prayer. Do you need an easy way to brush-up on your Hail Marys, Our Fathers, Apostles' Creed, and Glory Be to the Father prayers? Try out The RosaryDS.

    Learn and practice the Rosary prayers while reading the screen.
    Press the 'Pray with Me' button for a voice to read with you.
    Automatically knows the day and date for the Mystery scriptures.
    Extras feature.
    What is the Rosary?
    The Rosary is made up of twenty "mysteries" (significant events or moments in the life of Jesus and Mary), which, following the Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, are grouped into four series. The Rosary is made of beads which represent which prayer is to be recited. Normally, the person saying the rosary holds on to the current bead in which they are reciting.

    The first of the four mysteries contains joyful mysteries (recited on Mondays and Saturdays); the second, the mysteries of light (Thursdays); the third, the sorrowful mysteries (Tuesdays and Fridays); and the fourth, the glorious mysteries (Wednesdays and Sundays).

    "This indication is not intended to limit a rightful freedom in personal and community prayer, where account needs to be taken of spiritual and pastoral needs and of the occurrence of particular liturgical celebrations which might call for suitable adaptations." (Rosarium Virginis Mariae, 38).

    Download and Give feedback Via Comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro
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    umm... if anybody reads the bible, especially the book of romans and ephesians, they should know that catholicism is false and that saying any of those prayers is useless. (please dont write nasty comments in response to this)

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterchief929 View Post
    umm... if anybody reads the bible, especially the book of romans and ephesians, they should know that catholicism is false and that saying any of those prayers is useless.
    Um, as opposed to other forms of Christianity, where the authority of "holy men" comes from... claiming to have revelations from the man in the sky? Or what about strictly Bible-based sects who trust in the authority of the church leaders who decided what was Biblical canon, but won't trust church leaders after that. And Catholics have Romans and Ephesians in their Bible too, you know.

    You'd think contemplative monks all over the world would open that thing and say "Oh crap! I should have chosen protestantism all along!"

    Quote Originally Posted by masterchief929 View Post
    (please dont write nasty comments in response to this)
    Translation: It's okay for me to troll, but you shouldn't.

    Anyway, I'm just waiting for ScientologyAuditDS, where the DS audits you for free, so you don't have to give all your money to L. Ron to say hi to Xenu. Whoever makes it is awesome, but is also probably going to get sued.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Thanks for this! Ignore the trolls jsds and keep up the good work.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterchief929 View Post
    they should know that catholicism is false and that saying any of those prayers is useless. (please dont write nasty comments in response to this)
    Can I interest you in my weekly newsletter? Demons are flying those UFOs people see in the sky you know. It means Jesus is coming back! I also sell rattle snakes.

    (please dont write nasty comments in response to this)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceface View Post
    Thanks for this! Ignore the trolls jsds and keep up the good work.
    Thanks, for the kind words. I knew this rom isn't for everyone.

    I don't know exactly what he is referring too but these two scriptures are from Paul and he addressed concerns between Judaism and Christianity conducting themselves to be civilized.

    "Consequently, I would encourage sincere and trustful dialogue between Jews and Christians, for only in this way will it be possible to arrive at a shared interpretation of disputed historical questions, and, above all, to make progress towards a theological evaluation of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity." - POPE BENEDICT XVI

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    What a suprise and what a good idea given the ds's wide demographic c/o Brain Training, etc.

    I think this could only have come out as homebrew.

    While it's not for me (any more than "Christian Rock") why should the devil have all the good hardware

    So nicely done jsds.
    Last edited by RamZee; August 28th, 2008 at 12:27.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie Akoi Meexx's Avatar
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    Policrat, where in the hell did you find that image? It's awesome!

    @Jsds: Great way to hone your homebrew skills, and much respect for putting it up in a forum(A generalization of the Interwebs, not necessarily just here) where anything related to Christianity is usually eviscerated. God bless.

  9. #9
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    Not sure where the picture came from, other than it's satirical intent.

    Odds are though that dinosaurs were hunted to extinction by man before Jesus' time, due to the depleted oxygen in the air making them more easily hunted, following God's Great Flood (no more trees ) after they were let onto Noah's Ark, because everyone sinned and worshipped demons, despite what the scientists and professors say. This is what Jack Chick told me, and what Chick Tracts say, goes.

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