News/release from rck

Another day, another release :-) This one I developed much quicker than PONG extreme. Apparently, PAlib is really easy to use.

Essentially, PolyTouch is a very simple polygon manipulation gui. You get a polygon with up to 25 nodes and can drag the nodes with the stylus. You can also modify nodes with the d-pad, reduce the number of nodes down to 3 as well as scroll between the nodes with shoulder buttons and the Taito Paddle.

The idea of PolyTouch was to create a simple vector sprite editor for retro stuff like Tempest, Asteroids, BattleZone, and maybe some new ideas in that direction. Of course, the current version still needs the basics done, like saving and loading, and maybe frame-by-frame animation capabilities. But it's a start.

There are known bugs in this release, like for example some weird graphics-memory overwrites, when you reach certain borders of the touchpad by dragging. Not sure why, but will try to narrow them down eventually.

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