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Thread: PCSX2 port to xbox 360 possible?

  1. #1

    Default PCSX2 port to xbox 360 possible?

    Hey guys it's been a while :-)

    I am still waiting to buy my 360 it's gonna be sweet can't wait. Anyways I was thinking that when the new system gets cracked somone needs to port PCSX2 the PS2 emulator to the 360.

    With the 360's power it would run great plus you could upsample the resolution to 720P and have full scene antialiasing.

    Picture GT4 without jaggies or killzone without slowdowns and lag. Plus how much better the games would handle on the 360's controller

    chew on that. Peice out guys :-)

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Hey ther gimpy. Its been quite a while!

    I have no doubt in my mind that IF THE XBOX360 EVER GETS THE AWSOME HOMEBREW SCENE THAT THE XBOX DID, we will see some things like a DC emulator and PCSX2 (though its not a very complete emulator). But keep in mind that the last Xbox used the illegal leaked XDK to create some of the awsome things (pretty much everything.) It is unlikely that another XDK will be leaked, and thus the Scene might take a much longer time to kick off. Also the differant processors wont help things. The last xbox was pretty much an x86 machine in an ugly case... this will be a little differant I think.

    Nice to see you again! stick around longer this time.

  3. #3


    yeah probably so

    Man today I was at best buy and I finally got to play the 360, Damn the graphics are awsome. Call Of Duty 2 is soooooo sick, I can't believe they were sold out.

    Please send more xboxes microsoft please!

  4. #4


    Man! the 360 just launched in japan and it only sold 20% of the 120,000 units. That's not even close to half. Wise up microsoft and send the stock somewhere where it will be apreciated. You have customers in the states and europe who are robbing people just to get their hands on this damn thing. It is a miricale that your company is still in as good a shape as it is. It was not smart to send 120,000 360's to japan when you have customers waiting in 15 hour lines for your product (and not the $#@!ty core version either the 400 smacker version).

    i wouldn't be the least bit suprised if sony kicks your ______.

    At least they satisfy demand on the home front first.

    Another thing. I am in a wheelchair hence the screen name. I was at my best buy and they said 360's would come in on the 15th I have the money ready to pay , so I asked could you hold one for me as it will be difficult for me to get down here since I can't drive yet. (I need hand controls it's a huge pain). No sorry sir we can't. Nobody knows the difficulty that such a small task creates for somone with a disability.

    If microsoft would have just released in europe and the states first we would probably have a 360 by now. Besides japan hated the first system and now it's fair to assume that they don't like this one either.

    Sorry guys I had to vent some frustration i had a really bad day
    back to the thread.

  5. #5


    Hey guys I was just thinking. When the xbox free 60 project manages to fully run linux, you could just use the linux version of PCSX2. Sure it would need lot's of optimizing and fixes but weve got plenty of really talented folks here right?

    let me know what you think. :-)

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimpyjr
    Hey guys I was just thinking. When the xbox free 60 project manages to fully run linux, you could just use the linux version of PCSX2. Sure it would need lot's of optimizing and fixes but weve got plenty of really talented folks here right?

    let me know what you think. :-)
    yeah, but it is cooler (and faster) to run things naively.

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