Schmendrick has posted a new release of Liero DS today, heres the release info:

New upload of LieroDS; See first post.
New features:

Bigger levels
Simple enemy AI
Fixed a few bugs
Ninja rope now shoots faster; it was pretty slow before
If you find any bugs/glitches/etc, please let me know. And if possible, any reasons why it could be happening, and/or how to fix it

The controls are all the same, but with the bigger levels, you'll need to be able to edit them too. Before you can edit your level in the level editor, you have to choose a level size. Change the size with up/down/left/right, up to 3x3 screens big. As before, draw with the stylus, and you can scroll holding the L/R button.

There are a few weird bugs in the level editor though: The game will crash when your 'brush' hits the RIGHT side of the screen. All other sides don't crash, just the right. Weirdness.
Furthermore, the scrolling is somehow disabled once you've hit either the rightmost or the lowermost side of the level. More weirdness. Other than that it works pretty good.

You don't have to save the level to play it. Just press B when it asks to save and you're ready to go.

Also you can enable/disable the enemy AI by pressing Select in the main menu. On the top screen, top right corner you can see the whether it's on or not. This will NOT remove the opponent's worm, just makes sure it doesn't move.

Hope you enjoy, and again, any feedback about bugs/gameplay/GUI/HUD/whatever is appreciated

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