In a Penny Arcade Expo interview posted over on Joystiq, The Behemoth's Dan Paladin and Tom Fulp talk Castle Crashers problems, making it very clear that they're working hard to release an online co-op fixing patch "as soon as possible."

"We're trying to get it out as soon as possible, because we know it's important to people" Paladin explained, saying that the main issue with Castle Crashers' online component is due to players' conflicting network conditions. But Paladin made it clear that they did all they could to work out potential network issues prior to launch saying that network problems "was something that never came up in testing." So, when will we see patch goodness? As soon as humanly possible, though truthfully, Fulp admitted that there "isn't any official time frame yet."

Check out the complete The Behemoth interview over at Joystiq to learn more about the Castle Crashers development process, how pricing XBLA games really works and learn a super secret strategy for unlocking a few new in-game characters.

via Xbox360fanboy