
Ok, I have tried out NullDC and so far I am utterly Amazed at the speed and the progress made on this fantastic emulator. However I also see Controller support has been dis-included from it for the time being. So here I am, with an Answer. I will say that for NullDC this is not a full on solution because it will not do analog. However, it is a stop-gap to fill in for the controller plug-in we all want. There is a program called Joy 2 Key out there on the net. If you locate it and use it to map the keyboard controls to your pc controller......Viola! You have a temporary Fix. I have this program on my pc. If needed I may be able to upload it if someone points me to where to upload it to. Also this program is total Freeware. So no hidden fees

Dreamcast.......Still thinking after all these years....

Your Brother in the DCemu scene,
Link aka Black_Phantom