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Thread: Spider-Man 2 Review Aggregate Rating: 6.5 Digizo Rating:C+

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Talking Spider-Man 2 Review Aggregate Rating: 6.5 Digizo Rating:C+

    Based on the summer blockbuster from Marvel and Sony Pictures, Spider-Man 2allows players to become the friendly neighborhood webslinger in order to save Manhattan. As players progress through the game, they get to do battle with such nefarious villians as Doc Ock and Mysterio.

    Game: Spider-Man 2
    Publisher: Activision
    Rating: "T" (Teen - with violence).

    Our Impressions

    Last year's console versions of Spider-Man 2 were excellent. They seemed to have gotten the idea of how to create an open world of gameplay from Grand Theft Auto, and then translated it perfectly into another franchise that provided GTA-like exploring and fun while establishing its own identity. This whole openness, unfortunately, did not make the cut onto the PSP version. The game more closely follows the level-based progression of the games based on the original movie, and this isn't exactly a good thing.

    As soon as you start the game you'll be given the option of "Basic Training," which we highly recommend going through. The voice-over giving your instructions can get very irritating, but these levels are pretty much necessary to get ahold of the controls (more on that later) and give you a chance to earn "Hero Points," which you can use to upgrade your skills and learn new ones. Once you get through these, you enter into the level-based portion of the game. More often than not, the objectives you need to complete will be pretty much spelled out for you, and cut-scenes tie things together automatically. Although there are 19 levels, they tend to be rather short and it shouldn't take the average gamer more than a solid day to complete the main storyline of the game.

    Once you get into the basic training and start learning some of the more advanced controls, you start to see the wheels of the game coming off. This is partially due to difficulty in getting Spidey to look directly at what you're aiming at, and parially due to a flawed camera system. In fact, the control quirks could probably be accepted if it weren't for the camera. It becomes incredibly obvious, as early on as the later training missions, that to make it through the game you are going to be getting blasted on quite a bit by enemies you can't see because the camera is stuck in an odd position. It's really unfortunate that this is the case — it even somewhat detracts from the fun of web-slinging your way around town, which is really one of the most-fun things you can do in the game — that, and slinging your enemy around in a big circle using your webbing.

    Graphically the game is really great. When on a city-level, slinging your way around is really impressive — the sense of speed and tightness you get from the movie is accurately portrayed here. Spidey looks good in general, and his attack animations are well-done. Once again, the biggest problem with the graphics is the camera. The sound for the game is some of the best we've heard on the PSP so far. The effects sound just like the movie, and the game features voice-work from Tobey Maguire, Alfred Molina and Kirsten Dunst.

    Pros: Strong franchise, nice graphics, kicking butt as Spidey is cool.

    Cons: Slightly quirky controls, flawed camera system, lack of depth.

    Digizo Rating: C+

    Review Round-Up:

    IGN Review: 7.0 (of 10)

    "...Spidey is always fun to set out for a spin with, and the PSP game lets him flex just enough of his moves to recommend checking out once"

    GamePro Review: 3.5 (of 5)
    "There's a lot of gameplay variety found in Spider-Man 2. And if you can manage the troublesome control scheme, then playing as Spidey can be a heroing feat for a few hours at a time."

    GameSpot Review: 6.9 (of 10)
    "...this isn't exactly the most overachieving action game around, but it's not a bad showcase of what the PSP can do, and it's generally entertaining for as long as it lasts."

    GameSpy Review: 2.0 (of 5)
    "Here we have a classic early example of what removing a second analog stick does to PSP games developed with a PS2 mindset. Developers have become accustomed to assigning camera work to the sticks, but clearly when the option is removed, Vicarious Visions couldn't come up with a decent 'Plan B.' Camera control is tossed onto the D-pad, which is unquestionably awkward positioning. Barring the presence of an extra arm, there's physically no way to manipulate the camera without removing your thumb from the analog nub."

    Aggregate Rating: 6.5 (out of 10)

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reviews, but please make sure you put them in the correct section. This and all your other reviews has been moved to the reveiw section.

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