News from dev fr

Early release for me milestone for mankind (well, maybe. The future will tell). I try to make SEDS more "general public". Exit messages debugging abstruse (well, I always invoke them through meditations of my guru, but you do see more) and the coup, "console" is free to give the user tips "tutorials" on the use of software by pressing L and R simultaneously (yes, Cyril, it also works if you appuies on R and L, now.

Incidentally, this is also the first release with the editor palette.

Obviously, it n'empèche not take a look at the mini-manual of the previous version ...

Oh, and for those who had already downloaded the 0.3.2, you can go to 0.3.3 simply by pressing SELECT in the menu files "(hence SELECT START then the start of the programme).

Pixelez well _ ^ ^

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