Microsoft knew it had flawed machines, but it did not delay its launch because it believed the quality problems would subside over time. With each new machine, the company figured it would ride the "learning curve," or continuously improve its production. Even though Microsoft's leaders knew their quality wasn't top notch, they did not ensure that resources were in place to handle returns and quickly debug bad consoles. There were plenty of warning signs, but the company chose to ignore them. The different parts of the business weren't aligned.

Microsoft's strategy depended on beating its rivals to market. It couldn't afford to stop and delay the launch in order to solve its quality problems, or so upper management believed. What Microsoft's leaders didn't realize was that getting to market first with a flawed machine would only win them a battle; and it risked the loss of the war.

"They got enamored with the idea of the Microsoft army rolling everything out at the same time," said one knowledgeable source who asked not to be identified.

The quality problem negated much of the advantage of going first, and it has delayed the company's plan to aggressively market the console and slash its prices. (Microsoft disputes this point; it cut the price of all three versions of its Xbox consoles by $50 to $79 on Wednesday. And the company believes it will sell more boxes than Sony will. But prices ought to be lower still during this stage of the console life cycle). That has stopped the company from reaching the broader market of consumers that Nintendo has won over. It has lowered its ambitions, hoping instead just to get a clear edge on third-placed Sony. The future profits that the company once hoped for are now likely to wind up in Nintendo's pockets.

"Fundamentally, their thinking shows that they are a software company at heart," said one veteran manufacturing executive. "They put something out and figure they can fix it with the next patch or come up with a bug fix."