News/release from alexlh

OK, FINALLY it is ready to release... I have been working with SquidMan to get the wiiload working (of course he helped with some other things). First off, let me finally let you download it... (note: If people are interested in the source... then email me for it, and I'll be glad to give it... email me at [email protected] )


Now... instructions...

First... here is how to use it...

s32 main_server = connect_to_server("");
FILE *f = fopen(get_location("boot.elf", "/location/of-app"), "wb+");
send_message(main_server, "/location-of-update/boot.elf", "www.url.of.server");
get_file(main_server, f);

You must do all of that to get it working... and everything alse is in the lib... is the IP Address of the server. example: ""

/location/of-app is where you want it to update/install if using wiiload. If it is not using wiiload... it will update in the app's current directory.

/location-of-update/boot.elf is where on the server the update file is... YOU MUST PUT THE PROPER URL! example: /WiiMU/boot.elf

www.url.of.server is the URL of the server. YOU MUST PUT THE WWW AS A PREFIX!

For now... you must use it in console, because it uses a lot of printf's... I'll release a version that won't output anything... so it is compatible with everything...

also, you can update any file you want, including meta.xml, etc!

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