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Thread: Revolution: As Powerful As An Xbox?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Revolution: As Powerful As An Xbox?

    We've all seen the Revolution's slick design and innovative controller, but developer sources are now suggesting that the console's pint-sized unit design could come at a cost.
    "It's not much more powerful than an Xbox. It's like a souped-up Xbox," said one unnamed Revolution developer speaking to IGN. Citing several sources developing on the console, IGN suggests that Nintendo's next console will "simply not deliver the same graphic horsepower as its competitors."

    The report goes on to claim that internal development sources have indicated the console's RAM count at "the same as GameCube plus an extra 64MB of main RAM," meaning that the Revolution would be a lot less powerful than the Xbox 360's 512MB.

    But it's not all grey clouds in Nintendo land, the site also claims a Revolution release date of November 2006, and goes on to quote more developers who praise the Revolution's controller. "It's the controller that makes the difference," said one,"it's such a nice controller that it opens up a lot of possibilities. It's very different and it's very precise"
    It's likely to be a long wait until E3 before we find out the Revolution's true power. In the mean time, what do you think about these supposed tech specs. Will the Revolution lack horsepower or do Nintendo know exactly what they're doing given they're history of hugely successful console launches? Our comments field below and Revolution Forum are open for business.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    I think these specs are bull... Any intelligent developer wouldnt compare its machine (probably with totally incomparable hardware) to a last generation competitors console. And how much ram do you need in a console? I think the GC only had like 32 megs of ram (~24 according to wikipedia) and before some of you idiots start calling that crap... look at all the stuff it pulled off with that little! an additional 64 might actually do alot for the machine.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    And for one thing the comment on the rev being as powerful as the xbox is probably from the first dev kits that they realeased before the actual ones, they were just reved up gamecube ones. and plus they said themselfs that the rev would have as good graphics as all other consoles.

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