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Thread: Homebrew Channels Do not load

  1. #1

    Default Homebrew Channels Do not load

    I had the old home brew and as i was uninstalling it i accidental uninstall the installer ( silly me ).
    Anyway i went to install the new version using twilight hack, boot.elf didnt work so i had to reformat it ( i saved all my sd stuff onto the comp) then i copied it back in there.
    It worked but now, the home brew starts up but when i pick a prog, it doenst load, it stays on 0%

    How do i fix this?
    Last edited by Alexander89; September 12th, 2008 at 14:00.

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    I have no idea what you wrote, but I'm guessing your SD isn't structured properly as I've never had any problems.

  3. #3


    Okay, to cut a long story short, On home brew channel, when I select a programme, it does not load, It stays on 0%

    Am I missing a file? a Boot.elf or something like that?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    The Hombrew channel won't load anything if the Sd card is in the FAT32 format, You need to reformat it to be just FAT.

  5. #5
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander89 View Post
    Okay, to cut a long story short, On home brew channel, when I select a programme, it does not load, It stays on 0%

    Am I missing a file? a Boot.elf or something like that?
    I recommend you formatting your SD card, and then downloading a homebrew pack created by ShadowProphet who very kindly made a few homebrew packs for the homebrew channel. I use his packs, mainly because he's the coolest person in the homebrew community and someone I look upto. I'm not sure if he posted them here, but I know he posted them on Homebrew Heaven.

    I would upload my homebrew structure of my SD, but it's all the same as ShadowProphet's "SceneOnFire" pack... Except I took away the Boobies program, and replaced it with Starfall.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I have the same problem. So i tried formating to just FAT, then using the sceneonfire package.. The homebrew channel still freezes on 0% on all apps. Any other solutions?

  7. #7


    Well the fact is, homebrew used to work for me with the old interface but now it doesn't.
    I might try that pack you surgested to me, but I'm a real dumb dumb with all this type of stuff.

    I don't have to install everything again do I with that package? I can just download the pack!, shove the SD Card in and zelda?

  8. #8


    just wondering

  9. #9
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander89 View Post
    Well the fact is, homebrew used to work for me with the old interface but now it doesn't.
    I might try that pack you surgested to me, but I'm a real dumb dumb with all this type of stuff.

    I don't have to install everything again do I with that package? I can just download the pack!, shove the SD Card in and zelda?
    I'll tell you what, if you let me know what region your Wii and the firmware is (mines PAL 3.2E) I will create the Twilight Hack (I have both PAL and NTSC versions in the pack I downloaded) Homebrew Channel Installer from my file since I still have the files on my PC.

    And also, if you tell me what homebrew (games/emu's/loaders) you want I will upload from what I have on my current SD card or PC (since I've downloaded every homebrew app released from June onwards) so all you have to do is download and copy to your card knowing that it works on mine.

  10. #10
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    The problem of it staying on 0% is usually caused by a Gamecube memory card being plugged in. Unplug any Gamecube memory cards, and try again (this has always fixed it for me).
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