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Thread: Just Sick Of It

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default Just Sick Of It

    Like everyone else here, I love the psp.
    But for far too long now, we have waited and waited.
    Sure im certain all the grand theft auto fans are pleased.
    And even the socam fan doesnt have a whole lont to gripe about,
    But whats about us in general the videogame hobbiest , All I hear anymore is
    (The Die Hard Video Game Fan) -(The Hard Core Gamer ) (The Fan Boy)
    Basicly i have a pont to where im going, But why even bother with that, For as soon as I lay my opinion down somone who has somthing to say about how great things are looking for the psp will have somthing contrary to say on behalf of this.
    Ultimately I am a hard core gamer I am a die hard video game fan.
    but as I see it theres not to much to be excited about on the psp.
    Why use our title why use us as an excue to release bull$#@! games and say it will only appeal to us (The Hard Core Fan) when basicly we dont give a $#@! about sucky games eiter.
    Lets face it its not just on the psp. have you seen the awfull 360 line up ? programers are chargeing more money for $#@! that isnt even as goo as current generation titles. I realize they need time to get quainted with the programing launguage and all. but in the mean time untill the games are worth the extra bling, why make us pay extra ? I mean Its there job to know how to do what they do. we shouldnt have to pay extra untill we see results.
    I dunno.
    Ultimately I think im loseing faith in The whole video game scene.
    Things are looking more confusing every day,as the next generation begins.
    Games on the average are looking the same as they where this time last year on the ps2 on the 360, the psp even tho it still has much life left in it,
    plenty in fact. ultimately is almost a year old in the states.

    And yes of corse somone is gonna come through and say
    well what about title a or title b.
    It just isnt enough for the money I have sunk into my psp and 360.
    yeah. I broke down I got one, I dont even know why, I wasnt even an x-box fan. People do silly thing on impulse I suppose.
    At any rate ive been deep into video gameing for a long long time now.
    I believe its time to hang it up.................

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular MGFox's Avatar
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    Rant Warning!

    I was having similar discussions with my mates the other day...

    The PSP has delivered 1 or 2 decent titles and a few 'average' titles, but I was expecting some good high-profile titles to be arriving for Christmas...Nothing, absolutly bugger all! It is making me very concerned about my PSP investment, if it was not for the ability to run some homebrew every now and then, I'd have probably sent it back!

    As the for the X360, mine should be arriving tomorrow (I really cannot wait ) and although the current games lineup is limited, it will probably start to flourish next year! This is because many developers (like EASports) create cross platform games and will want to wait for the PS3 and maybe even the Revo before dedicating to the creation of NextGen titles...although I have no reason for the ridiculus price tags (Tiger Woods actually has less content then its PS2 and XB counterparts), other then they maybe need funding for NextGen research!?!

    But, whats ticking me off more than anything else at the moment? The gaming community!!...I'm not digging at anyone on these forums 'cos if it was occuring here as well then I wouldn't be posting! It just the 'Fan-Boy' mentality of people nowadays, you post something about the X360 somewhere you get hundreds of replys along the lines of "rOfL!!!111! tEh eXbOrX fReEsIcKsTeE iS tEh SuXoR!!!111! PS3 RoXoRz" or if they're not illiterate they'll post "Screw you, the Xbox 360 is a bag of crap, get a PS3 or PC!"...WHY? why can't I get them all? Why can I not post some news about the X360 without getting burned alive? Its the other way too, I post about the PS3 and just get anihilated by Xbox fans!!!

    Also, the whole PSP HomeBrew War with SonyxTeam, WAB and Yoshi is just PATHETIC, we are all trying to reach the same goals so they should all just flipping Grow Up and Get Along!

    ..rant over.

    My comments for your predicament...I too am giving up on the PSP for commercial games, I am now just interested in useful accessories (GPS is high on my list) and the homebrew scene (when it behaves maturely)! Hang in there with the X360, NextGen titles take longer to develop and many developers are holding out for the other consoles to catch up!


  3. #3


    Well, when I had heard the PSP was comming out I had decided that it would be the last game system that I would buy for rmyself. I've got a Gamecube, I've got a modded XboX, a PC, PSX (modded) and of course my Dreamcast. What you're saying about the gaming industry I think has been happening for a long time. It's like the music industry these days 95% re-hashed material. There have been games which do run a spark through the community like HALO, GTA or DDR, but only a few. I don't want to use one of the terms you mentioned since to me, they are also associated with consumerism or a certain narrow-minded attitude. But gamers.....TRUE GAMERS enjoy good games. It's not about what system they are on, it's not if they cost $80 and took 5 years to create or they were uploaded for free by someone who made them in 3 days. It's about the GAME, it's about FUN, and it's about SHARING. And I think that's a large reason why this community is here in the first place.

    shadowprophet - I realize your dissappointment with the PSP, but for the most part I am still very satisfied with my investment. I have alot of games I can play on it, most of which I've hardly had the time to play anyway (yet). The only thing that still pisses me off are the damnable Firmware updates. As far as you and your 360, I hate to say something like this to you but I think you are growing up a little bit. Take it back if you're really not happy with it. Save that money, or get something else that you really want. If something happens to change your mind you can always get another one. But if it's just going to make you dissappointed to even see it there I don't think it's worth waiting for the good games. There's alot you could do with that ammount of money.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Its my last hope

    Not many truely remember the market crash in the atari days.
    Even I was too young to care when that happened.
    But the basic reason the market crashed, as I understand it.
    Was crappy game after crappy game, and pointless new system after pointless new system. The atari 2600 -5600 the atari 7800 (sorry if I missquoted my atari specs to be truethful I really dont care I was only makeing a point :P) sure they had small inmproovments over the older ones. But ultimately, what happened to the market back then is that when atari decided to milk the market for every penney (the True fans) had, That was when the market crashed.
    im not trying to forshadow doom and gloom. To be honest- I believe videogames have become such a part of peoples lives now, that we may never have to worry about a market crash like that ever again.
    But what I am saying in the midst of all todays confusion and chaos. one thing that the market cant afford to lose IS the true fan the hard core gamers .
    When the market finely reaches the point when we the true hard core fan, doesnt care anymore. the rest of the world will follow suit soon after.
    im not forcasting doon and gloom. But history does repeat itself, ( Sadly)
    At any rate I have my phases.
    perhaps im just in a funk right now. As for my 360 im gonna ride that train untill it stops. ( I know as soon as i do take it back. Blue dragon will come out. I really wanna see what thats all about ,
    I guess my ultimate point is. If things look this grim for the ps3 when it launches- Because lests face it . MGS 4 will be held back . all games of that profile even if there supposed to be launch titles are held back ( at least a little spell ) . I dont know I guess if the market doesnt pick up, In my eyes this will most likely be the last generation I will take part in the console wars. After that I will be one of those people happily playing my ps3 and x-box 360 Years after there death., because I was able to pick them up off ebay for 50 bucks each 12 years from now,. Night all

    This might sound backwards. And a lot of people may not understand it,
    But for some reason , what ever the case may be. I have a good feeling about the revolution. I guess that good feeling comes from,
    I suspect nintendos system to be affordible. And yeah im just as worried about the controlers as everyone else is, But come on,- (truthfuly), You know that even if nintendo doesnt. Some third pary company will make a controller we can deal with. The affordibility, placed on top of . Zelda and Metroid , And I hate to admit it . It might even sound silly this day and age. Im a mario fan. I like the main stream marios ( I even liked sun shine- not the captain planet theme - But it had some hard core game play to it ) I like the mario karts . And Lately after thousand year door . Ive evem become a paper mario fan. I must say I realize nentendo may not change the world this generation, But I Look forward to it..

    Another thing that makes my happy about the next generation and this generation in fact. Is backwards compatibility.
    Its really nice that when a systemy dies. your game collection doesnt have to. ( I really Really like that ) Well G-Night ppl

  5. #5
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    When a niche market begins to become "mainstream" and "commercialized" then its bound to lose a certain amount of creativity in trying to appeal to the masses. Why do you think games have gotten so much easier over the years. Its because these so called "casual" gamers don't have the balls to go all out. They need the game to hold there hand till the end.

    The way Sony marketed the PSP is what is really ruinging the PSP. ITs being marketed as a gadget. Then at the end of the commercial there like "oh and it plays MADDEN!!"

    PS: God I hate MADDEN

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaiser
    When a niche market begins to become "mainstream" and "commercialized" then its bound to lose a certain amount of creativity in trying to appeal to the masses. Why do you think games have gotten so much easier over the years. Its because these so called "casual" gamers don't have the balls to go all out. They need the game to hold there hand till the end.

    The way Sony marketed the PSP is what is really ruinging the PSP. ITs being marketed as a gadget. Then at the end of the commercial there like "oh and it plays MADDEN!!"

    PS: God I hate MADDEN
    you make a good point Kaiser.
    To you bro I would recomend God of war on (god mode)
    You have really done somthing when you have beat G-O- on God mode bro
    plus you dont get the true ending untill you do . lol i Would bet all of mayby 100 people total have been able to pull this off without cheating. And im one of em

    As far as sports games go .
    I never liked sports games.
    Its not because I dont like sports , Its just if there ever was a genre of games that totaly made me feel like a complete dork, it was sitting in front of a tv playing a game i could be doing - in real life and enjoying more if I was

  7. #7
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet
    you make a good point Kaiser.
    To you bro I would recomend God of war on (god mode)
    You have really done somthing when you have beat G-O- on God mode bro
    plus you dont get the true ending untill you do . lol i Would bet all of mayby 100 people total have been able to pull this off without cheating. And im one of em
    Ninja Gaiden made me destroy my controller but I got through it I'll have to give God of War a try for sure, but these hard games are few and far between.

    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet
    ... Its just if there ever was a genre of games that totaly made me feel like a complete dork, it was sitting in front of a tv playing a game i could be doing - in real life and enjoying more if I was
    Couldn't say it better myself. Reminds me of these huge beer-gut 40-somethings that love to watch sports with there team jersey but in truth couldn't do a sit-up if there life depended on it.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Well, let me say something...

    Im just tired of GTA games, tired of The Sims games, tired of too much FPS, where is the brand new classic ideas (zelda)? where is the nice emotion adventures? Where is the good action games (half-life), where it is the good RPG“s (chrono trigger)? Where can I found in this new video games like x-box a nice not hardcore game? Im really tired of xbox games (not PGT2), really tired of all these games just wanting marketing and fast money... Just because of that, i keep saying that we need less titles, but more entusiastic titles, more fantastic games, with emotion, that I really wanna buy, that I will have pleasure on doing it. I pray that companies like Nintendo, Square, Irem (r-type), Blizzard, and half of games of UbiSoft never give up doing classics and amazing art for players.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Cool Welcome Bugo

    Quote Originally Posted by bugo
    Well, let me say something...

    Im just tired of GTA games, tired of The Sims games, tired of too much FPS, where is the brand new classic ideas (zelda)? where is the nice emotion adventures? Where is the good action games (half-life), where it is the good RPG“s (chrono trigger)? Where can I found in this new video games like x-box a nice not hardcore game? Im really tired of xbox games (not PGT2), really tired of all these games just wanting marketing and fast money... Just because of that, i keep saying that we need less titles, but more entusiastic titles, more fantastic games, with emotion, that I really wanna buy, that I will have pleasure on doing it. I pray that companies like Nintendo, Square, Irem (r-type), Blizzard, and half of games of UbiSoft never give up doing classics and amazing art for players.
    Your new here but you sound like you and me have a lot in common in taste of games,
    Honestly I realize a lot of people wont give it a chance.
    But I do have a lot of good things to say about Dragon Quest 8.
    I like most people played the orig dragon quest on the nes and some what lost interest in just about anything Enix Had to offer after they Pretty much tossed america to the curb.
    However Not haveing a lot to choose from this season.
    I Gave Dragon Quest 8 a chance.
    I was Suprized in such a way I havent been since chrono trigger!
    I realize what a bold statement im about to make,
    But in every respect Dragon Quest 8 is a better game then chrono trigger Ever was.
    I will give you all a few minuets to absorb that.........

    Now Breath!!

    I Realize what ive said, And im not downing Chrono Trigger in any way,
    But Dragon Quest 8 is a really really great game~

    Thats said Dont throw stones untill youve played it.
    It really is one of those suprize masterpeices that came from nowhere.
    But dont take anyones word for it. Try it out, I believe any Rpg fan worth his salt will become adicted in no time flat.
    Later ppl

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    I was with you guys till you mentioned half-life.

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