News/release from n00bey

I released a new DronS version and coded a server running on my machine.
Also I would like to know your oppinion if I should continue to work on it or better do something else...
V1.3 - 14.9.08
* Fixed color glitches =| thx to smealum
* Fixed small glitch in the menu when turning WiFi on [Screen wasn't updated]
* Camera changing is a bit smoother now
* If FAT fails to init the game even should start without models
* WiFi: Now using Non-Blocking socket for searching player
~ No more complete freeze until someone joins
* Changed wall texture, sides looked a bit weird
* Max speed is set to ~900%
* You can change if players should speed up when driving next to the arena-wall in the config - Standard: off
* Restructured the menu a bit, should be easier to find something now
* lowered down standard Rubber since it was realy extreme
* Rubber called Health Points now and displayed in % ingame
* GameInit() now bzero's the whole player&walls arrays before initializing
* "ArenaSize" variable had been in the style array -_- (So in online play other players didnt got the setting...)
* now up to 15 player
* Now the console scrolls down...
+ WiFi: The first part of you LAN IP will be inserted on IP-input, so no more "192.168.X." everytime, just the last numbers
+ WiFi: You can join a existing game (so you will pop up directly)
+ Now pressing B in the menu takes you back too
+ Single player: New round if you die, even if CPUs are alive
+ >first beta< of online-server, accessable by "join main server", not always on [Please report errors ASAP!]
+ Version check in multiplayer
+ MOTD when joining the Server
+ Autocreating DronS folder with all needed files if not found
+ Game-Logo
+ Short splash on startig
+ Rumble pack feature. [Tested with NeoFlash rumble pack]
~ You can configure it in the config menu, standart: Rumble on damage On, Rumble on Speedup On, Rumble on Brake On
+ Overview mode, because there is no more space to put a MiniMap, I added this, by pressing Up you get an overview
+ You can configure the buttonmap in the config now
+ Ingame: all playernames are printed on the bottom screen, stroken if they are death
+ WiFi: The clients now shows the "Player Whoever joined!" message too
- The old weird looking 3D "n00bey" removed
- Removed global IP info because it slowed down Game-Host opening

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