News via Nintendomax

Bakaban realizes the first demonstration of its puzzle game "Orscol", in which you have to reach more possible cases in 5 seconds of the color shown on the right and therefore avoid reaching the top of the screen.

On the plateau, squares and lines to fall s'amoncèlent. These squares are different colors. More colors are more varied it's hard. In a menu on the right, a color is displayed. It is the color erasable on the plateau. The color erasable change every 5 seconds (indicated by the discount, and an overview of the two following colors). An additional line falls with the same cadence. It must click on a square of this color to delete the plateau (which brought down the square above). If clicked a square is adjacent to another of the same color, it will also be deleted, and so on to make combo. You can also obtain advantage of points by carrying out "arial" (destroy a square chute), or "arial combo" ...

You can get bonuses and "super attacks" when during a round (5 second session), it achieves a combo more than 10 (single bonus) or 20 (super attack). In the upper screen I put three square to accommodate a wheel, which will determine what bonus or attack you win (or not). The simple bonus may be an object to freeze time, destroy a square (given that the colors are coming on random finds himself sometimes with a column of an undesirable color), etc. ... The super attacks are more effective and give rise to small animations

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