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We, like you, love our Nintendo DS whether we're playing Mario Kart DS Online or browsing someone elses village in Animal Crossing Wild World. Sometimes however, finding a player to race against or talk with can be harder than actually playing the game! We would like to make it easier for you and ourselves, to find Friend codes and Friends to talk to, race against, or trade items with.

This is why we have created this website. DS-Play. We hope it will become THE home for the Mario Kart and Nintendo DS Community, and keep expanding to cater for new games such as Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime DS. DS-Play is A place you can comeany time of day or night and always find REAL people to play against or trade items and facts with. And what's more.. you can even chat to friends while you arrange a game!

DS-Play was set up for nintendo DS users who are trying to find friend codes and friends online. Currently we support Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing Wild World DS and now Tony Hawk Sk8land.

So what is it? DS-Play is a mixture of elements that all lend themselves for better online play with your Nintendo ds - We currently we have the following features in place:

Mario Kart DS chatrooms with easy to view friend codes and stats
Animal Crossing DS chatroom with easy to view friend codes
Tony Hawk Sk8land chatroom with easy to view friend codes
Forum for all Nintendo DS users
Ranking system for Mario Kart DS wins
Penalty system for users who drop or are abusive in game.
Swap items shop for Animal Crossing
Friend code exchange system for Mario Kart
Friend code exchange system for animal crossing
User profiles and stats
Search feature to find friends near you