Incredibly cheap webpage launched! And to prove this project actually exists I am releasing
a preview version of my wolfenstein 3d port aswell as the shareware version of "Spear of Destiny" embedded into the preview. Keep in mind this is only a test release to get feedback on how the port is progressing.
With that out of the way here is what works/what doesn't and what's new...

What's new:
- Display option to play in black and white
- Ability to swap between the top/bottom screen
- Ability to enable/disable vblank ( default disabled )
- Added a gamma correction modifier in the control panel
- High scores use the ds owner's name

What works:
- Sampled sounds ( doors, guns, voices )
- NDS Specific input system

What doesn't work:
- Music
- Digitized sound
- Improper timing method ( it works but should be done properly )
- Saving and loading
- Highscore saving
- Configuration saving

It actually runs pretty well for something that hasn't gone through proper optimizations yet,
gameplay is usually 20 to 50 fps ( estimate, though I'll find out for sure later ).

Download from here -->