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Thread: c64psp v0.3 (Commodore 64 Emulator for PSP)

  1. #41
    C64 PSP Coder urchin's Avatar
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    TH_V1 & PS1971> If you have v2.0 firmware, you will need to use Fanjita's Eboot Loader. I don't have a v2.0 PSP, so I can't help you with running the loader, but one of my beta testers has v2.0 and it definitely does work.

    L0RD M!XXX> CCS64 does not appear to be open source. I will be looking at new features in the future and I have tried enabling 1541 emulation, but ran into problems. I will look again before the next release to see if I can get it working.
    c64psp - - c64 emulator for psp

  2. #42

    Default keyboard stuck


    I have PSP 1.50, use v0.3 emu. For some reason the up key has some issue (or joy1 puffer). I start the emulator and go into the image selector, after 5 sec it starts scorolling up. It happens a lot (I mean almost every time I start or reset the emulator). I figured out to stop it:

    Go to file selector -> change joystick to port 1 -> go back to the screen -> use up, down, left, right for couple of times. You will see some letters (like back in time ) aka <- , 2 . After you got thoose stupid things use the virtal keyboard and press enter. Now everithing should be ok for a while. Actually this trick is working under games to, but always.

    I guess for some reason the emultor has a problem with the JOY1- registers. Like puffer thing. The only reason I think of because after you move the joy in port 1 the puffer get cleared or reseted and everything became normal.

    If this thing happens only with me let me know the solutions (if there is any).

    ((( for the ccs

    ))) C64PSP better then Vice so far!
    -I guess you maintain the speed with skipping frames (no smoth scrool) but OK.
    - SID works 100% I just love it.

  3. #43
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hi, C64PSP is a good emulator and Urchin who ported this from Frodo made a very good work. Congrats man!

    Although this I have to say that PSPVice is much better than C64PSP simply because the original VICE is a lot better than Frodo. To "casual" gamers both emulators could look the same but if you are really "into" C64 emulation you can notice many important differences in emulation accuracy.

    The emulation accuracy of VICE is a lot better than the one seen in Frodo and you can notice this in many games (the game "Barbie" comes to my mind, try it and you'll notice how the sound emulation in Frodo suck compared to the one in VICE. The "speech" emulation in that game really suck in Frodo and so also in C64PSP...).

    I hope to see improvements in future versions of C64PSP but the improvements shouldn't come from Urchin himself, he already did an awesome job with this, the problem is *just* Frodo itself which nowadays is not on par with the other C64 emulators out there (VICE, CCS64, etc.). If Frodo doesn't improve I doubt we'll see a better version of C64PSP...

  4. #44


    hi guys!

    i know that Urchin has spoken to the author of Frodo about future updates and it may/may not happen. The author has been busy on other projects but it is not a no. Urchin and i are still working to improve the current version as it stands but are limited to how far we can go.

    I have used the new version of vice and it is good, very good and we are in contact with cristophe all the time and respect each others work.

    When we started C64psp we had no idea that Vice would be ported at the time but it was good news for the psp community that they now had a choice and both emulators have different pros and cons.

    We will keep you posted on further developments as and when they happen.

    Cheers! and thankyou for all your support.


  5. #45



    first i would like to that you for the emulator, it will give me a nice time driving with the public transport for the next months / year / ...

    but i discovered 2 problems with 0.3:
    i can not get seven cities of gold or agent usa to work with this emu. scog completely crashes wenn going into "new game" and gent usa boots up, but hangs on the game start screen accepting no input and giving me garbage output (chars scrolling from left to right continuously).
    both roms run ok on winvice (didnt test with frodo though).

    any chance on getting those 2 games fixed?

    on the differences between pspvice and c64psp:
    as far as i understood some games work on c64psp which dont work on pspvice and vice versa...
    what are the implementation differences? maybe it would be a good idea to take the best of both emulators and combine them into a new open source project trying to be 100% (or at least 99,99999%) compatible?

    referring to the number of games existing for c64:
    this is a real problem... i once extracted all roms of a full-set into one directory and thus had my xp hanging 2 minutes to create the directory listing each time i went into the directory ;-) so i had to split them up.
    i know i had around 1000 diskettes during my c64 time, but i never noticed that that were SO many games.

    damit burnedskin sich nicht so alleine fühlt: ich spreche auch deutsch *g*

  6. #46
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I have a few questions :

    1/ Do you continue to develop this emulator ? when will come a next release ? (because i want to donate something for your efforts)
    2/ What must i do when a game asks (while in play) a second disk ?
    3/ How can i quit a game and return directly to the emulator (i dont want to quit the emulator and start it again) or can i load directly a game while playing another one ?

    thanks for helping !!

  7. #47
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default C64roms

    Help !
    For some reason, if I add this directory on the PSP, it gets deleted as soon as I switch off USB mode. What am I doing wrong ?

    Loving seeing the blue screen on my PSP though, even if I can't get paradroid up and running yet.

  8. #48
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I'd like to say that this is a great program. However, I'm having some problems with the controls. On some games (Ghostbusters, and Choplifter), the controls don't work. I can bring up the keyboard, and it'll accept inputs from that, but the analog or digital pads won't work. Any suggestions?

  9. #49
    C64 PSP Coder urchin's Avatar
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    Hi everyone. Firstly, sorry for not replying sooner, but a new job means I've been a bit busy

    Secondly, c64psp is still being developed. In fact, I began a complete rewrite a while ago and I am still working on when I get time. The new version should make it much easier for me to add new features.

    powerwis> For the current version of c64psp, when a game asks for a second disk, you can change disks by going to the image selection screen and selecting a different image. When you return to the emulator, press a button, and the game should continue loading from the next disk.

    If you want to reset the emulator whilst playing a game, press "SELECT".

    ntollfree> It sounds as though the data is not being written to the memorystick properly. Depending on your operating system, you may need to right click on your USB drive icon and select something like "eject" to finish writing the data before you can unplug it.

    mat63634> It sounds like these games may require you to use the other joystick port. Whilst in the image selection screen, try pressing "TRIANGLE" to toggle which joystick port to use (the current port is displayed at the top the screen)
    c64psp - - c64 emulator for psp

  10. #50
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    going to move this to the PSP Emulation forum

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