God, this just keeps getting better. We thought that last week was the best example of a known quantity trying to sneak its creepy friend past the bouncer and into Club WiiWare, but it's been absolutely topped.

On the one hand, you have Bomberman Blast (Hudson Entertainment, 1-8 players, 1,000 Wii Points) all decked out in his finest suit. He's making eyes at the ladies and he just bought Cristal for everyone in the club. He's the superstar and he knows it.

Then we have Art Style: ORBIENT (Nintendo, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 600 Wii Points) which we can find practically nothing on. Seriously. GoNintendo has a single screen shot and Silicon Era thinks it's a Bit Generations game. And that's it. To continue the above analogy, Art Style: ORBIENT is the equivalent of the Little Rascals standing on each others shoulders in a trench coat, and insisting to the bouncer that they're "a real grownup who just wants to drink all the beer and kiss pretty ladies."

How do they make it inside? It's a mystery.
