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Thread: Wii DLC Confirmed For Rock Band 2

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Rev Wii DLC Confirmed For Rock Band 2

    via Kotaku

    After months and months of speculation and rumor from all corners of the internet and beyond, downloadable content for the Wii version of Rock Band 2 has been confirmed. USA Today reports that the functionality has indeed been confirmed, and with the release of Rock Band 2, Wii owners will finally be able to spend the massive amounts of cash Xbox 360 and PS3 owners have been spending for the past year.

    While unannounced, MTV Games has confirmed that the upcoming Nintendo Wii version of ``Rock Band 2'' will offer the same online functionality — i.e. song downloads and Internet multiplayer modes — as the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 versions. The PS2 version, however, will not include online connectivity.

    I suppose the Wii's online capabilities and potential have finally been fully realized. Oh happy day!

    UPDATE: Harmonix has confirmed with us that the Wii version will support both DLC and online play, and there was much rejoicing.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Coder vicious1988's Avatar
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    Nope, RB lost my support on the console after not adding online in the first one. Lazy bastards. I'm getting GH:WT, it has better songs instead of 10% being rehashes from GH1&2.
    Quote Originally Posted by locdogg on SA forums
    I took a sociology class once that said there are gangs of Depeche Mode fans in Russia. Think about that. A gang who's identity is built on liking Depeche Mode.

  3. #3


    At least it's finally a step in the right direction for Nintendo. Who knows, maybe sooner or later we'll have something equal to Xbox Live or the PS3 online stuff

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