Psilocybeing has been busy with the project Traveller the online RPG, heres the latest 2 news items:

Here is the latest screenshot, I've dumped the old interface leaving the entire PSP screen available for gaming. I have completed the display of other players on the server, bar an initial object set upon connection, and appear messages for when the client moves(at the moment other players are only displayed when THEY move). Both of these are minor changes, and so soon I should be able to start work on actual gameplay.

First of all, merry xmas to everyone! Did anyone else get snow today, as we had a few inches overnight.

Traveller is coming along nicely, and I've sorted display of other clients(completely), although actions are still TODO. I've also whipped up a quick scrolling notice box, for messages from the server or other players to be displayed(will take input via F.O.S.K once I get it intergrated).

Another little addition, which is totally cosmetic is a little loading screen, with the Traveller logo on. Certainly looks alot better than printf eh.

Expect more and more to be added over the next few days, and over the new year. I'm having great fun coding this

Check out those great screenshots and give feedback to Psilocybeing in the discussion thread on our excellent forums here -->