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Thread: Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.3a

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS v0.3a

    News from Retrohead

    After a bit of a setback with my PC (vundo virus infection) and yet another format (I only done it 3 days ago!), I am pleased to announce version 0.3 alpha of Take The Eggs! is ready for distribution.

    There are quite a few things new in this version and I have spent alot of time working out the kinks that plagued the previous version. Most notable is the new implementation of a modified VRAM update system which I can't help but thank DarkEz for his help with tearing the PAlib function apart which has helped drastically improve the game in more areas than one. Due to this new implementation, the game now has absolutely zero 3D sprite flicker and also is so much improved that I have been able to substitute the awful RAW music files for much cleaner 64kbps MP3 files.

    Also added in this version are visible score counters to help show you how much points are being gained / lost. Please bear in mind that when you drop off a baby in another players pen, the score that is displayed is the effect on the players score that the pen belongs to. This is still currently a little confusing without the manual that I am still waiting for Triforce to finish (you deserve the public shame now lol) but this should be a little clearer now.

    Finally on to the gameplay additions. No AI improvements since the last version but I have now included a new enemy on World 1 to give you a bit more of a hard time and also a whole new world for you to play which also includes enemies (those scorpions can give you a bit of a nightmare, mwahaha).

    ** Changes For v0.3a **

    Fixed the layer problem with the TV in character / world select.

    Improved 3D VRAM updates (Big thanks to DarkEz for the help).

    No more sprite flicker due to the new VRAM updates.

    New 3D Sprite system now allows for MP3 music in game. This could not be implemented before due to the amount of flicker it caused.

    Few new SFX added courtesy of the extra RAM space available by using MP3.

    Smoother rotation on the stage select reel.

    Implemented world specific SFX.

    Added enemy to world 1. Don't let him get you!

    Visual notification of the scores being gained / lost.

    Invisible fried egg bug should now be fixed (reports welcomed).

    World 3 is now unlocked for all to enjoy!

    ** To do list **

    Add 4 more characters.

    Story between worlds.

    Final configuration of the remaining five worlds.

    Add secrets menu, this will include the level creator aswell as some other nice additions I have been thinking about.

    Download Here and Give Feedback Via Comments

  2. #2


    wraggster you need to link to the download section of the site otherwise when your users click the download link they get the "DS-Scene no stealing" image. Blame my .htaccess being too damn good :P

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