Nintendo fans, worried that Nintendo's Revolution, with its unique controller interface will alienate developers? Forget them, we'll always have Kojima!

The creator of Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, discussing his future projects with IGN, revealed that even as he works on a next-gen update for the PS3, his eyes dart lovingly over to the Revolution's sexy bod. (If you haven't noticed, the PS3 is a little too fat to be wearing those pants anyway.)

According to the article, "He [Kojima] does admit to wanting to make games for all three next generation platforms, though, giving the nod in particular to Revolution as a platform that, as a designer, it would be "foolish" for him to pass up on. With Revolution, he adds, he'd like to make strives in areas other than graphics and sound, a change for him, as he believes he's known as someone who pursues realistic visuals owing to his love of movies."

A Metal Gear mini-game involving that cut scene with Meryl = Awesome!

But, wait, the Revolution is not Hideo's most desired platform. "Revolution isn't the platform he most wants to support, though. That honor goes to the PC." ...