News from Two9a:

Short update, since it's been a long while since I posted. Someone asked me if there was going to be a Christmas release of DSemu-ng; I'm afraid the answer to that will have to be no. (As you might have guessed by now.) Due to various things, I haven't been able to touch the emulator since I got the dispatch of blocks to the translator working. Mostly, I now face the daunting task of putting together the emitters for every opcode, to produce x86 code, and that's a fairly big project in its own right.

Other things, like having other work to do, have also managed to intercede themselves between myself and the emulator codebase, and all that means I don't have a release at the moment. However! In about a month or so, I intend to get back to working on this, and I might even get the x86 emitters done; then we'll start seeing some progress.