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Thread: Graphic Artist Requested

  1. #1
    PSP Coder
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    Cool Graphic Artist Requested


    We are working on a very promising PSP project and could use a talented graphic artist, preferably someone who has a little experience creating video game graphics. Some experience doing 3D work would be great too. Please, no high school students, I need serious graphic artists who have a decent amount of time to come up with some creative artwork. We need an artist that can do menus, background scenery, parallax background layers, and/or animated sprites. If you are an expert in one of these areas, please contact me.

    Now that the graphical requirements are out of the way, here is what we have to offer the dedicated artist(s) in return. The game we are working on is a 2D side-scroller. It is a comedy with a great plot, and excellent design. We currently have a fully functional side scrolling 2D engine, and a working demo that is quite playable, complete with interactive sprites. The game engine is totally original and written in straight C for extra efficiency. We have sound support, animated sprite support, and great game play, all working in the Demo. We have an excellent plot and story ready to roll.

    If you are interested in helping create graphics for what we think will be the best original homebrew game EVER, send me an email or contact me via AIM Instant Messenger. I will gladly provide you with any information you like concerning the game itself, and of course the demo!

    AIM: Garak2000
    Email: [email protected]

  2. #2
    PSP Coder
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    Hello again,

    We are still looking for a graphic artists. If you would like to offer up your talents, send me an email or an instant message!

    AIM: Garak2000
    Email: [email protected]

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i dont think there are many around here with the super expert skills that you are after. however there are some very good graphics artists here, high school or no high school.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    Garak, I think it's great that homebrew developers such as yourself are willing to recruit help here. Unfortunately, I've got to agree with vaza, I doubt you're likely to find much talented or able bodied help here. If you're serious about getting some expert pixel art for your new game, you should take an afternoon off and check out some of the many websites that are devoted to pixel art creation. Many have forums dedicated to job requests. A few sites I can recomend: (see the "creative side" section)

    A quick google search can help you find more. Personally, I'd love to help you out, but I'm just getting started with sprite creation and can't promise anything, much less anything of high quality.

    Good luck with the new game, can't wait to see what you've cooked up

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the links. I was not aware of some of those! Veza, you seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth. Both of you, I assure you that DCEMU has some excellent talent in the area of artists. The young lad I was working with is a DCEMU member, and his graphics were second to none. I have posted requests at many places, but I have a feeling DCEMU will come through again and offer up another excellent artist.


    PS. B8a, is the odd spelling really worth the savings of 1 letter? =).

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    I don't doubt that there are some excellent artists here. I myself have extensive training including traditional animation and digital art and have been professionally employed for over five years now. My comment was simply made out of the likelihood of linking up with them at this site. On one hand, recruiting here is a great idea since you're guaranteed someone (if you can find them) with a vested interest in the project, but on the other hand, the bulk of users here (and this is what I was talking about, the BULK of users) seem to be mostly interested in USING homebrew as opposed to developing it. Compared to websites that are entirely dedicated to pixel art, and where forum members develop reputations and put those reputations on the line when they accept work, finding experienced, responsible artists here would be like finding a needle in a haystack. A little exageration, of course, but I think you get the point.

    I don't mean to be critical of the methouds you choose to use to develop. In fact I wish you the best of luck advertising here, and think it would be great if we could get an emerging collection of experienced, reliable artists here. I merely provided my two cents and links to hopefully give you an avenue you hadn't yet considered. It's like the saying goes: "The three most important things in real estate are location, location, location". Same goes for internet real estate. Finding the proper sites to advertise on can be the key to success.

    As for the spelling of my name (!_!), it's not done for the sake of saving a letter, but because many user name/password systems don't allow (or at least they haven't in the past) the use of either words "beta" or "eight", and this spelling is a tribute to those problems I've encountered in the past. Plus, it has the added asthetic benefit of being very close to being a palendrome (note that the "b" is not capitalized). Ironic place for this to come up, don't you think? (!_!)

    Bottom line Garak, I hope you didn't take offense to our postings. I wasn't trying to ruffle your feathers and I doubt vaza was either. Since you added a second post to this thread, it looked like you were having troubles finding help (or needed urgent help for that matter), and I was just trying to offer some friendly advice!

  7. #7
    PSP Coder
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    To stay on topic,

    I ask that this thread be used only for people with questions concerning the current project. If you have any additional places that we can look for artists, or other suggestions / information, it is always welcome, but please send them to me via PM or email. I would like to keep this thread centered on the game at hand, and any questions a potential artist may have.


  8. #8
    PSP Modder Produkt's Avatar
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    I do textures... I also have expericne with 3d non animated objects

    as for interface deisgn I have been a grapics designer for 7 years going although my recent 2 years have been focused on game design.

    I'm taking my pre courses now for collage later planning to attend Full Sail
    PSP Q3BSP Projekt: Here
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  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i dont think that there are bad artists here, it just seems that you are asking for a "Super" Professional artist in your post. and all i said was that i doubt there are many super pro artists hanging about a gaming forum(maybe in a art or grahics forum), also said that there are some excellent artists who go to high school.etc

  10. #10


    i can draw :O)
    ii am working on a 3 flash games at the moment unfortunately is really hard to built a game alone specially since i am a decent coder in flash i can give you a hand here and there but i cant go head on into it if thats cool with you
    [email protected]

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