via Eurogamer

EA has abandoned work on Command & Conquer shooter Tiberium.

"It is confirmed that Tiberium has been cancelled, as the game was not on track to meet the high quality standards set by the team and the EA Games Label," the publisher told Eurogamer. "Work on all other projects is continuing as normal."

The result will be sackings for a fair amount of the EA Los Angeles staff, although the publisher has promised to try and reposition them internally.

Tiberium last hit headlines in July when EA held the title back for quality purposes. The shooter had been poised to grant players control over ground troops, vehicles, air squads and ion cannon strikes in order to fend off nasty aliens.

Tiberium's demise follows a much more stringent EA quality control policy put into effect by silver-haired boss-fox John Riccitiello.

Worryingly, the move also suggests shooters based on the famous RTS series will never really work, as Command & Conquer: Renegade proved in spectacular fashion back in 2002.