Thank you Obama. While I tend to lean a little right during presidential elections my vote has been swinging back and forth between you and McCain so far this election. In fact I do have a minor lack of confidence latey in Palin as the right person to lead this country in the case that McCain's health fails (hes old with some health issues ya know) and it was going to make Election '08 a tough choice for me.

My day goes something like this. Phone calls right when I wake up feeding me some one-sided view. On the way to work I ride the light rail and read the newspaper, usually containing some biased opinion about you or McCain which I attempt to avoid reading. Some more phone calls from one side or the other trying to get my vote. Then I go to lunch. Walking down the outdoor mall to buy food I get harassed by nice young people (usually from the democratic party) telling me whatever BS sounds nice trying to win over my vote. Then I go back to work and usually have a phone call or...