I'm not usually one for posting about the European Wii Shop Channel releases, but this week's offerings have me completely jealous and it's just not fair at all. Today sees the release of two of the best games the Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive, if you prefer) had to offer, and I am going to hold my breath until the come to North America. Not only do you Europeans get the Shiny classic platformer Earthworm Jim, they're also getting Shining Force II, Sega's tactical role-playing gem, possibly the sweet spot in the entire series. Dammit. Both are going for 800 Wii points, and they're both eventually coming here, but still.

And yes, I do own both cartridges for my Genesis, but that's hardly the point. You guys have better food, better women (with notable exceptions!), and better VC games. Next World War we're staying home.

Unless of course we start it.
