Damon Caskey has released a new version of Openbor the Beats of Rage fighting game engine for the Dreamcast, gP2X and PSP, heres whast new:

Release 2.2017

New features:

Goes in levels.txt on a per set basis.

1 = score is reset to 0 when you continue.
2 = 1 point is added to your score when you continue!

subject_to_minz {int} - Model header command. Toggles minimum Z bounding for model on playfield. Available to script methods getentityproperty and changeentityproperty as "subject_to_minz".

{int} - Default 1 for all except panel type models.

1: Entity cannot move beyond current minimum Z boundry.
0: Entity can move freely beyond current minium Z boundry.

subject_to_maxz {int} - Model header command. Toggles maximum Z bounding for model on playfield. Available to script methods getentityproperty and changeentityproperty as "subject_to_maxz".

{int} - Default 1 for all except panel type models.

1: Entity cannot move beyond current maximum Z boundry.
0: Entity can move freely beyond current maximum Z boundry.

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