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Thread: DSI - Good or Bad for DS Homebrew ?

  1. #11


    say good bye to R4 clones. This is a f**king miracle. No more updating of FAT drivers and all that. JUst one driver.... ahh the live. It'll be just like the PSP.
    I don't go on here much anymore. Find me on GBAtemp.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Newbie Lastron's Avatar
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    Hello,are you all mad? most outstanding homebrew NEED added ram. From what ive heard there has been no new ram progression so we will bw cutting off a 3rd of good homebrew.

    Any homebrew game that requires added fat has had lots of work involved. Quake 2 is gone as well as many others like tthe mac emulator, etc, etc. Also they have probably made a less bipassable firmware.

    homebrew is on a turn for the worst.

    Im avoiding this dsi like the plague.

  3. #13


    it says it had integrated memory tho...

  4. #14
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    I think the removal of the gba slot is an attempt to block homebrew based off of the old flash carts, similar to what Sony used to try to do with firmware updates. The problem is, you cannot play guitar hero: on tour on the dsi without the guitar grip. All this being said, I'll still buy one because I'm tired of having to share a DS.

  5. #15


    Naah... they removed the GBA sot because it's an outdated system, they probably realize that if you own a DS then you most likely don't play GBA games on it.. I mean only gba games worked.. not Game Boy or Game Boy color, and that was an issue with the plastic molding the cartridge is made from... the GBA games fit, the GB didn't.. so this is just that again..

    As far as homebrew goes, yes.. they're collectively trying to shut down our endeavors.

    I think what these companies fail to realize is that their so-called loss of sales is total bull because there's no way anyone would buy as many games as they pirate. so the sales only disappear when it comes to the stuff the pirates would have bought in some alternate reality where things were secure.

    but then we'd hate HALF the games we bought because no one is allowed to preview or return anything ever anywhere.

    if they think that this will boost software sales they're crazy, stupid, or both... Mainly because we still have our hacked consoles, we can still pirate, and most people who buy these will have the same habits as before. the only difference will be that some of us will buy the new units... WILL STILL pirate the games, and then wait till the new units get hacked then upgrade... WOW big strategy
    Last edited by Illegal Machine; October 4th, 2008 at 17:34.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Will the DSi be good or bad for homebrew?
    That all depends on how quickly the system can be hacked. 'nuff said.

  7. #17
    DCEmu Newbie Lastron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aryn View Post
    Will the DSi be good or bad for homebrew?
    That all depends on how quickly the system can be hacked. 'nuff said.
    Although we wont have enough ram, to make anything thats particularily powerfull...

  8. #18


    I bet R4s will still work and you might even be able to run DSi roms off of them, so I'm going out on a limb here and saying "GOOD". Plus now we'll be able to get GBA games on our DSi's
    because of the DSi Shop.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lastron View Post
    Although we wont have enough ram, to make anything thats particularily powerfull...
    That might not be true, the original Opera required the GBA slot for a RAM expansion so they might have beefed up the built in RAM for the new browser. Of course, they could also be using the NVRAM as cache but I don't think that's all that likely, since someone said the new browser would be faster and I don't see how they could make it faster if it was still limited to 4MB RAM.

    And for anyone that thinks Nintendo won't try to block existing slot-1 carts, you're naive as hell. Given Nintendo's recent antagonism towards the R4 and their half-assed attempt at blocking the Twilight Hack, they aren't just looking the other way when it comes to piracy, and unfortunately they don't make a distinction between piracy and homebrew.
    Last edited by iofthestorm; October 4th, 2008 at 20:36.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illegal Machine View Post
    I think what these companies fail to realize is that their so-called loss of sales is total bull because there's no way anyone would buy as many games as they pirate.
    Precisely. I think game fans will always buy games the same as music fans will always buy music, movie fans DVD's etc. I think you appreciate something much more when you buy it.

    I reckon that most people probably buy one or maybe two titles at a time (Would that be fair to say?). This means you spend more time playing one game & therefore you get a lot more out of it. When your finished with it you go out & buy something else. On the other hand you could download pirated copies of half the DS software catalogue in about the time it takes to order & take delivery of a pizza! But what would be the point?! how many games can you play at once? You could have a go on all of them in not much time. But your not going to get anything out of that at all.

    I have a friend who downloads every PC game going (often before the game has even been released!). Everytime you ask him about a game he says the same thing - "It's crap". He's probably spent about 5 or 10 minutes playing before reaching this conclusion, anxious to move on to the next pilaged game. He has become very jaded towards gaming in general I guess because his HD is saturated with software he's barely given the time of day to ......... there wouldn't be enough hours in the day. And if there was I wouldn't want to spend all of them playing games.

    My point is that pirating games is a double edged sword. You think your getting something for nothing but all your really doing is ripping yourself off as well as the owner of the game. This is because when you pirate something you automatically de-value it in your head. It becomes worthless & disposable even if it might be something that is actually very good.

    Erm ......... I'll get off my soap box now. Sorry about that

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