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Thread: Who Would Win: an Imperial Star Destroyer or the USS Enterprise?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Forum Who Would Win: an Imperial Star Destroyer or the USS Enterprise?

    This great image requires a t-shirt urgently. When I came across it today on Digg I thought: "I can't believe we haven't asked this question in Gizmodo yet. Hello?" Who would you think would win: an Imperial Star Destroyer or the USS Enterprise? And a simple answer won't work. You have give us actual technical arguments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular
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    The star destroyer is heavily favored.

    The star destroyer can launch a few wings of TIE crafts. The Enterprise can only launch some lame shuttles with wussy lasers, but the shuttles have shields, last I checked, TIE shields are reserved for only two classes of TIE.

    The star destroyer is literally filled with firing banks, probably some missile banks as well. The enterprise has only one phaser bank, and two photon banks.

    The enterprise is very nimble, while the S.D. turns like a cow. The enterprise will have to get in close to do some damage.

    I wonder if the Empire's interdiction S.T. would have any effect on the enterprise.

    HyperSpace is faster than warp speed. (I think).

    If a star destroyer landed a boarding party against the enterprise the empire would have a 10-1 combatant ratio.
    The enterprise could only land a 50 man team tops against the S.T.

    In all past conflicts the only losses on the empire side were due to a combination of engineering deficiencies, underestimation or the force.
    The enterprise has only won large ship to ship battles because of engineering deficiencies, underestimation or luck (borg).

    A fleet of each would fun to watch and would allow the Star trek fleet to work together which is what it's tailored to do, while the Empire's basic strategy is brute force and automatic overwhelming personnel doesn't lend itself to ship - ship cooperation because it doesn't have need to.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    $#@!, I forgot about teleporters. I wonder if the Fed could calculate a way through the shields fast enough

    I am not sure the federation could tackle such foreign technology in an instant.

    Some argue that phasers are different from lasers and that S.T.'s are easily destroyed by a hick farm boy, I don't buy it.

    I think that using the teleporters are the Feds only shot at winning.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    I mean this more as a joke than anything else, just get the urge to paraphrase 'Chasing Amy' whenever i see these discussions getting 'in depth':

    Alright, now see this? This is a four-way road, okay? And dead in the center is a crisp, new, hundred dollar bill. Now, at the end of each of these streets are four things, okay?

    Over here, we have a an imperial star destroyer.

    Down here, we have a 3 year old on a push trike.

    Over here, we have the USS enterprise.

    And up here the Easter Bunny.

    Which one is going to get to the hundred dollar bill first?

    This is a serious exercise. It's like an SAT question. Which one is going to get to the hundred dollar bill first? An Imperial Star Destroyer, a 3 year old, the USS Enterprise or the Easter bunny?

    Last edited by bah; October 6th, 2008 at 05:06.

  5. #5
    Dream Coder
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    Assuming equality of all other technologies, the Star Destroyer would crush a galaxy or constellation class ship. Biggest reason: the former is a warship the latter is a ship of exploration and diplomacy.
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